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Blondbeard (aka Bartzi), the Bavarian Beer Pirate

Blondbeard (aka "Bartzi"), the Bavarian Beer Pirate ("Blondbart" auf Deutsch) is an ellusive visitor to the Pacific Northwest during Oktoberfest season 🍻🏴‍☠️. Each year he pauses his 'beer tasting adventures' along the Bodensee and other beautiful alpine lakes in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol, and Switzerland to visit his favorite Oktoberfests. Though he won't steal your beer outright, he may sneak a sip or two when you are out "shaking your sauerkraut" on the dancefloor as Manuela Horn, the Queen of Oktoberfest likes to say.

Always up for a "Prost!", Bartzi loves to celebrate great beards, brats, brezn, and beer 🧔🏻🌭🥨🍺. But do be careful, he is known to steal Lebkuchenherzen from adults because he is a firm believer that Lebkuchenherzen are for Kinder 🤎🤎🤎.


Q | Why is his nickname "Bartzi"?
A | "Bart" is the German word for beard and "Bazi" is a Bavarian word for 'mischieveious boy'. Put them together and you get "Bartzi".

Q | Can I take a picture with Bartzi?
A | Yes, please do! Bartzi loves taking photos with his many friends and fans. You can use the hastags #Bartzi and #Bartzifest to find other photos of Bartzi.

Q | How big is Bartzi's beer stein?
A | We estimate it holds about 3 liters of beer or apfelshorle.

Q | What type of feather is in Bartzi's hat?
A | That is a turkey feather given to him by the BHTV Golden Gate Bavarian Club schuhplattler group in San Francisco.

Q | What is the musical instrument he sometimes carries with him?
A | The instrument is called a "Teufelsgeige" or "Devil's Fiddle" and it is used to scare off evil spirits...valuable during Oktoberfest season for sure. Other names for the instrument include "Saubass" in Austria and "Stumpf Fiddle" and "Bumbass" in English. Many other countries have a similar instrument as well.

Q | What are the jewels that Bartzi is wearing?
A | Along with some big, fancy rings gathered from throughout the Alps, Bartzi has a bejeweled stein brooch, a rhinestone wurst, and diamond encrusted pretzel. Bartzi also has many flashy Lebkuchenherzen inspired heart-shaped brooches on his hat.

Q | Can I invite Bartzi to my event?
A | Yes! You can email sean/dot/schmidt/at/gmail/dot/com to inquire.